Wednesday, September 28, 2011

World's Largest Gummy Bear

That punk neighbor kid down the street calls you names, throws rocks at your cats, and rides his bike through your yard. Lucky for you, that little shit has diabetes, Halloween is approaching, and you can buy this 5 lbs. gummy bear that's practically guaranteed to push him into insulin shock.

This delicious football-sized snack packs a whopping 6,120 calories and comes in a myriad of flavors. Tempting, delicious, and potentially fatal if consumed in its entirety, this gummy treat is not only a great dessert, it's also sweet revenge.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

AK-47 Lamp

How do you reconcile your enthusiasm for popping caps in fools with your  love of totally super fab home decor? With these tasteful, yet thug-friendly lamps from Loaded Objects Ceramics.

If your coffee table displays both Guns & Ammo and Decor Magazine, this $445 lamp is your way to reconcile that inner conflict.